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E55 – Steve Fleiszer, Space Creatorz Co-Founder on SEO, Email Marketing, YouTube, and #Dadlife!
Steve Fleiszer is the co-founder of Space Creatorz, a digital marketing agency based in Nova Scotia, Canada, dedicated to "creating space" for business owners so they can focus on their areas of expertise and outsource their marketing to those who specialize in it. Space Creatorz - A Digital Marketing Agency IG: @stephenfleiszer To purchase skull cable attachment: https://supersetyourlife.com/products/rope-cable-attachment-extra-long Dope background music by WALKER MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShaunWhiteFan123 Audio available on Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio. Resources mentioned: https://dynamicduotraining.com/about-us/ Chris & Eric Martinez's fitness professional coaching and podcast Book The One Thing, by Gary...
E54 - The Perfect Example of How to Abuse Your Strength (The Story of Samson, Judges 13-16)
Colt walks verse by verse through Judges 13-16, that is, the account of Samson, and uncovers lessons that are applicable to coaches, athletes, and parents. Samson is known for his legendary superhuman strength which he abused for his own selfish desires, however, he was a man of faith and God ultimately used him to begin to deliver Israel from their ruthless enemies, the Philistines. Audio available on Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio. Show notes: 00:52 Being authentic about our faith and ministry in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. 02:12...
E53 - Dorian Robles, Drug-Free Men's Physique Athlete on Building Confidence Through Competing
Dorian Robles is a natural award-winning Men's Physique competitor and personal trainer from Wenatchee, WA that went to high school with Taylor! Dorian's IG: @dr__2793 Coach: John Gorman, IG @team_gorman SHOW NOTES: 00:22 Dorian's bio. 00:54 Why Dorian decided to start competing. 04:25 Why Dorian hired a coach. 08:24 Challenges of contest prep while dealing with mandates and social restrictions. 11:35 Ineffectiveness of vaccines in preventing COVID. Sources: Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections - The New York Times (nytimes.com), Israel COVID: 1,101,406 Cases and 7,122 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info) 12:54 Why Dorian chose N.A.N.B.F. as...
E52 - Bernardo Castellanos Jr. on 3 Common Gym Injuries and How to Overcome Them
Bernardo is a highly-sought-after and well-respected strength trainer and founder of Barbell Practice Coaching. We discuss three common gym injuries and how to work through them! Bernardo's IG: bcastcoaching / www.barbellpractice.com Show notes: 01:07 Diagnosing hip pain rooted in glute-quad muscle imbalances. 04:16 Causes of back pain, especially from conventional deadlifting. Tips and methods to work around this and avoid herniated discs. 14:31 What Bernardo's training programs look like. 15:48 Tennis elbow. 20:19 Faith and praying before workouts. 22:27 How Bernardo SuperSets his life!
E51 - 10 Motivational Quotes to Empower Your Workout & Tips Track Your Progress
Give your usual workout music a break and listen up to our favorite motivation quotes to empower your through your workout! We also cover tips on tracking your progress more effectively. Dope background music by WALKER MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShaunWhiteFan123 Link to purchase motivational bodybuilding workout tracker: Bodybuilding Logbook - First Edition – supersetyourlife Show notes: 01:13 How and why we designed our own bodybuilding logbook, and how to use the logbook. 02:28 Why we use "WARMUP" and "COOLDOWN" as "code words" for "CARDIO." Optimizing fat-burning and cooling down simultaneously post-workout. 05:06 Taylor's 5 favorite quotes to crush her workouts! 10:11 What is...
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