contest prep RSS
E103 – Melony Murray: Nurse, Realtor, Grandmother, and NPC Bikini Competitor!
Colt & Melony recap her first-time, 3-month NPC bikini competition prep for the 2022 NPC Nebraska State Championships. ALSO FEATURING MELONY: SHOW DAY VLOG: STAIRMILL DEMO: UPI TOUR: Athlete: Melony Murray IG: Category: Bikini Show notes: 00:00 Melony’s bio & introduction. 03:58 Why Melony decided to compete in a bodybuilding competition! 05:19 Overview & recap of Melony’s 3-month prep; overcoming increasing fatigue, doubts, and fears. 08:02 Weight & fat-loss trends throughout the prep; cardio & macronutrient modifications. 15:52 Peak week carb depletion, rapid-backloading, & meal plan. 20:35 Developing confidence in your STAGE...
E100 – Dr. “Fit & Fabulous” Jaime Seeman on “Health-First Bodybuilding!”
Dr. “Fit and Fabulous, that is, Dr. Jaime Seeman is a: u Ketogenic women’s physique competitor u Mrs. Nebraska 2020 u Board-certified OBGYN u Board-certified ketogenic nutrition specialist u Wife & mother (3 girls 😊) Passionate about PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE, she has overcome: Weight gain Fatigue Low thyroid Hormone imbalance Pre-diabetes She recently competed at the NPC/IFBB/MIDWEST which was her first ever bodybuilding competition! Ø 1st Place Novice Ø 2nd Place Masters Ø 3rd Place Open SHOW NOTES: 04:54 Dr. Jaime’s bio. 07:52 What drove Jaime to decide to compete in the sport of bodybuilding. 10:31 Why STRONG is the “new skinny;” why lifting weights does NOT make women bulky...
E99 – Mentality in Overcoming Injuries
Time Stamps: 05:35 Tip 1 of 3 21:11 Tip 2 of 3 29:12 Tip 3 of 3 THE SUPERSETYOURLIFE.COM PODCAST is available on Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio. Audio available on Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio.
E96 – Running for FAT LOSS (Live Q&A)
All scientific articles referenced (lots of them!) are cited in our blog post “Running: Ideal for Optimal Body Composition?” Show notes: 00:40 Does creatine enhance aerobic performance? 03:46 How do I incorporate running into my lifestyle while continuing to build muscle? 06:06 How can I achieve my goal of running 2 miles in 13 minutes without hurting muscle gains? 07:01 Which is better—sprinting or long-distance running? 09:55 Does running build calf muscle? 11:02 Does running fasted more optimal than with food in your stomach? 12:28 Is running on contest prep a good idea? 16:11 My current running protocol, with James,...
E95 – Annamarya Scaccia, the Cancer-Surviving Bodybuilder!
Annamarya Scaccia is a CANCER SURVIVING bodybuilder, MOTHER, podcast host, AWARD-WINNING JOURNALIST, and owner of Stillwell Fitness. She has a heart particularly set on working with “emos” and “the kids at the weird table” get buff! Clearly she’s doing a great work in the fitness space. Annamarya hosts "THE SAD & BUFF SHOW:" A Podcast on the Intersection of Mental Health & Fitness—a similar theme to what we teach here at SUPERSETYOURLIFE with a unique story and another perspective on overall health and wellness with the focus on bodybuilding. Link to apply for 1:1 coaching with Annamarya: Instagram:
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- ketogenic diet
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- ketosis
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- ladysavage
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- lifestyle medicine
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- losangeles
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- lowcarb
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- mineral salt
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- mrs. nebraska
- mTOR
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- Muscle Protein Synthesis
- myostatin
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- naturalbodybuilding
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- peak week
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- steak every day
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