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anxiety, british bodybuilding, business of bodybuilding, confidence, joe cramond, nabba, visualization -

Joe has dedicated his life to the extreme sport of competitive bodybuilding. His accomplishments include winning a 2nd place title in the 2015 British NABBA bodybuilding finals, also placing in the top six, and winning three consecutive first place titles in regional British titles. As an entrepreneur, Joe works with business founders and corporate leaders, applying lessons learned in the world of peak performance to business outcomes. He works directly with ambitious brands and leads companies up to £1 billion in turnover, helping to increase market share in the most capital-efficient way. WEBSITE: LINKEDIN:   Time stamps: 02:51 Posing...

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anxiety, crystal sikes, depression, eating disorders, faith, family, keto bodybuilding, keto savage, lady savage, momlife, overcoming, oxalate dumping, stomach ulcers -

Crystal Sikes is a ketogenic bodybuilder, owner of Lady Savage LLC, co-founder of Keto Savage Primal Performance and Keto Brick LLC (along with her husband Robert), a coach, and a soon-to-be-mom! website: / Instagram: @the.lady.savage / @ketobrick Show notes: 03:23 Crystal’s bio, accomplishments and struggles. 04:48 Why keto? 07:11 Can I do the ketogenic diet without giving up all the foods I love? 10:05 Improving vitamin deficiencies with a healthy, whole-foods based diet. 15:03 Winning her first bodybuilding show and post-competition “blues” (getting back on track with a proper reverse diet). 19:20 Overcoming chronic depression and anxiety with...

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