E67 - The Shredded Acrobat on Discipline, Commitment, and Following Through
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Todd Rogers is a professional acrobatics teacher from Seattle, WA who recently completed our 12-Week Muscle Hypertrophy Transformation program where he gained 6.8 lbs of muscle and lost 17 lbs of fat to arrive at 3% body fat.
In this episode we disclose all of the details about his meal plans, strength & hypertrophy training protocols, timing, macronutrient ratios, changes we made, and how he’s been maintaining his sub-5% body fat and is now making rapid muscle gains. We also fatherhood, living with purpose, and discipleship.
Writing Todd’s workouts was particularly complicated due to his severe case of scoliosis. Needless to say, his back training has been a challenge for both of us, but we’ve made it work and openly discuss how in this conversation.
You can follow Todd’s journey on Instagram @the_aerial_father
Show notes:
00:31 Todd’s bio, how we met, and his recent aesthetics accomplishments.
02:38 Spending the last 10 years wasting money on supplements and training programs that don’t work.
06:45 The exact day when Todd’s sweet-cravings “disappeared out of nowhere.”
09:30 How we use strategically-timed refeeds to keep his metabolism and thyroid healthy.
11:31 Todd’s favorite poses and how to flex the back.
16:49 The importance of not blowing your diet once your goal is achieved and mindset around maintaining lean conditioning.
20:11 Blending all his food together because he was eating so much he was sick of chewing it!!!
21:00 Training with scoliosis.
22:55 Detailed breakdown of Todd’s goals we set, macronutrient ratios, and adjustment phases.
23:45 Fasted cardio, workout, & meal timing for body recomposition.
32:34 How Todd got into professional acrobatics.
38:01 How our spiritual life has enhanced our fitness pursuits.
43:08 Advice on prioritizing “dad-time,” no matter how busy you are.