E60 - Nate Ensor, BodyBuilding Champ on How Running Affects Leg Muscularity, Body Dysmorphia, and Eating Disorders
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Show notes:
03:18 Starting as an all-natural bodybuilder and competing in the NANBF.
08:05 Taking a break from bodybuilding in 2017 to run half-marathons, catabolic effects of running, and re-building leg mass to come back into bodybuilding.
09:39 The over-exaggeration of Calories that are actually burned when training weights.
12:18 The anabolic effects of running on the calves.
14:02 Nates review of the Skullbellz Deltoid Desolator cable attachment and Metabolic Nutrition TRI-PEP Branch Chain Amino Acids (both available on our website) https://supersetyourlife.com/products/tri-pep-branch-chain-amino-acid
19:01 Both of our experiences dealing with eating disorders.
22:24 Body dysmorphia: thoughts on avoiding this while excelling in bodybuilding.
25:11 How Nate trains and eats intuitively more than following a strict, scientific regimen.
29:05 Nate's upcoming competition plans!