sweetpotatoes RSS
Pumpkin-Spiced Sweet Potatoes
You won't want to wait until the fall to treat yourself to these. As with any paleo recipe, the goal is to bring out the natural flavor of the food without over-stating it. When you bake these, other people in the house will ask who's making pumpkin pie. Ingredients: 10 lbs. orange sweet potatoes Cinnamon Nutmeg Ground cloves Poppyseeds Pink Himalayan salt Mixed fruit (optional) Directions: Preheat oven to 380 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the sweet potatoes on pieces of parchment paper on baking sheets and bake for about an hour, or until all of the sweet potatoes are soft to...
Caveman Breakfast Casserole
Caveman Breakfast Casserole is a high-protein, high-volume, filling breakfast solution. Ingredients: 10oz raw sweet potatoes, thinly sliced 1 lb. extra lean chicken sausage 3 whole eggs 16oz liquid egg whites Spinach, onions, and other veggies of choice Steak seasoning Optional: raw uncured turkey bacon Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Sauté chicken sausage in a frying pan. Mix the whole eggs and egg whites in a shaker bottle with the steak seasoning. Layer all ingredients except for the eggs into a casserole dish. Pour the mixed eggs evenly over the casserole. Bake until eggs are cooked. Optional: fry turkey...
Sweet Potato Brownies
This recipe not only beats the hell out of your grandma’s brownie recipe; these are naturally loaded with potassium, magnesium, fiber, antioxidants, and much more. With the use of whole foods and the absence of sugar and flour, you’ll feel full, satisfied, and nourished after enjoying this superfood dessert. Ingredients: 3 medium-sized sweet potatoes (about 36oz raw) 1c crunchy raw almond butter (no salt or sugar added) 1/4c real maple syrup 6 Tbsp raw cacao powder 2 Tbsp maca root powder 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla extract (real, not imitation) 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 100% olive oil...
Sweet Potato Wedges
Can be prepped and enjoyed cold with meat and veggies, tossed into a salad like croutons, or thrown in with eggs for a sweet potato scramble! Ingredients: Ten (10) pounds sweet potatoes, washed and chopped into wedges 100% olive oil spray Salt, pepper, & cinnamon, to taste Directions: Preheat oven to 350 deg. Spray two pans lightly, but completely covered, with olive oil Crack salt and pepper over pans, and add cinnamon Dump the SP wedges onto the pans and spread evenly Lightly spray the tops of the wedges with olive oil Crack salt & pepper over wedges Bake both...
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