Veni-SWINE Liver & Onions!
Have you tried unsuccessfully to incorporate organ meats into your diet but can’t handle the taste? If so this liver recipe will give you a new way to enjoy a classic meal we should all include in our lifestyles if health is our goal!
- 1 deer liver (beef liver is great too if you don’t have a deer liver handy!)
- bacon
- heavy whipping cream
- salt (Celtic Sea Salt® or Redmond’s Sea Salt®)
- pepper
- garlic powder
- onion powder
- OPTIONAL: diced onion
- Dice the liver with a sharp knife, place it in a meal prep container, and cover it with heavy whipping cream and salt. Let it sit for 24 hours; this will remove the "bloody" taste liver can have and the salt will bring out the natural flavor of the liver.
- Chop the bacon into small pieces.
- Heat a large saucepan to medium and add the bacon into the pan first.
- Salt the bacon as it’s cooking. Once most of the grease has cooked out of the bacon, drain most of it but leave a little bit to soak into the onions and liver. Add the onions at this point if desired.
- Drain the cream from the liver and then add the chopped liver into the saucepan.
- Add the rest of the seasonings into the saucepan and cover it with a lid, stirring as needed.
- Once the bacon and liver is all thoroughly cooked, you’re done!
- Take a picture for the ‘gram and tag @coltmilton 😊 Let us know how it turned out!
WHY SHOULD WE EAT LIVER? Glad you asked! Liver is perhaps the most basic place to start when beginning to incorporate organ meats into your lifestyle. To name a few vitamins, it contains an abundant supply of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and even K2.(1) The K2 is significant because it is essential for proper calcium partitioning and cardiac health. A 2004 study(2) revealed that those who had the most K2 (extremely difficult to find in plants) in their diet showed a clear trend that led to less cardiovascular disease. This is not the same as vitamin K1 which can be obtained from plants, which does little to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, as far as minerals, liver is full of calcium, choline, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. So why eat liver? Because it is nourishing. Especially if you are losing weight, adding this enjoyable organ into your lifestyle will signal to your body that you are getting the nutrients it needs, resulting in a natural appetite suppression and easier adherence to your diet.
(1) Salidino, Paul MD. "Liver Magic." 2020.The Carnivore Code, p.231
(2) Geleijnse, J.M., Vermeer, C., Grobbee, D. E., Schurgers, L. J., Knapen, M.H., Van der Meer, I. M., . . . Hofman A, A. (2004). Dietary intake of menaquinone is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: The Rotterdam study. The Journal of Nutrition, 134(11), 3100-3105, doi:10.1093/jn/134.11.3100