Bourbon Sweet Potatoes

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Bourbon Sweet Potatoes

"Too good to be true," you ask? It's as incredible as it sounds. As with most of our sweet potato recipes, I am eating this exact recipe and sipping bourbon (neat of course) as I type this. 

This dessert was created after I began consuming sweet potatoes exclusively as my only carb source, and is one of the reasons I have no desire for any other types of carbs. You can't beat the simplicity, the nutritional value, and the MIND-BLOWING flavor combinations!


  • 5 lbs. white sweet potatoes
  • 5 lbs. orange sweet potatoes
  • Cheap bourbon (save your top-shelf bourbons for sipping--chill bro, you're only cooking with this one)
  • Cinnamon
  • Poppyseeds
  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • Chopped strawberries and fat-free Greek Yogurt (optional)
  • A high-quality small-batch bourbon such as Maker's 46 to compliment this bodybuilder's dessert (NOT OPTIONAL)


  1. Preheat oven to 380 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the sweet potatoes on pieces of parchment paper on baking sheets and bake for about an hour, or until all of the sweet potatoes are soft to the touch.
  3. Let the sweet potatoes cool down, then cube them all with a large, sharp knife and place back on the baking sheets.
  4. Cover them liberally with bourbon. Don't worry, the alcohol cooks out but the flavor remains!
  5. Apply cinnamon, poppyseeds, and sprinkle pink Himalayan salt to taste.
  6. Bake again for 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Remove the pans, let them cool, and sort into evenly-weighed meal prep containers.
  8. (Optional) Top with fat-free Greek Yogurt and chopped strawberries.
  9. Kick back and enjoy with a high-quality bourbon, preferably with a sweeter profile such as Maker's 46. Close your eyes and meditate on the antioxidants, digestive benefits, and relaxing nature of the whisky. Oh, and thank God that we live in a free country and we can eat whatever we want, even if it's a weird food combination. Cheers.

Per 6oz serving: 122.2 Cal / 3.1g pro / 27g carbs / 0.2g fat

Makes about 18 servings.

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